
My favourite things

I watched the film Amélie again recently and was totally enraptured. It is a film made by and for romantics. By that, I mean people romantic about life in general; who find joy in small and beautiful things.

One of the (many) elements in the film that particularly enchanted me was the novel way they introduced each character. They showed the favourite things of each person. For example, Amélie, the protagonist, loved: looking at people’s faces in the dark of cinemas; noticing details no-one else notices in a film, dipping her hand in sacks of grain, cracking crème brulee with a spoon and skipping stones.

It made me think that there IS an element of romance in everyone. It’s just not as obvious or as easily displayed in some people. And, as Maria sings in the Sound of Music, ‘when I'm feeling sad I simply remember my favourite things and then I don't feel so bad.’ Here are some of mine:
  • The feel of sun on my skin.
  • The sky when it’s not grey.
  • Intellectual pontificating - it’s fun!
  • Bitter dark chocolate.
  • Walking barefoot on sand.
  • Reading the Observer on a lazy Sunday over orange juice/croissants and failing to do the crossword.
  • Getting lost in London.
  • The smell of coffee, freshly mown grass, wood fires, a new book, buttered toast, my mother’s scent.
  • Waking up slowly and luxuriating in bed.
  • Reading a book in the bath.
  • Bread and cheese. Brilliant in its simplicity.
  • Freshly painted nails.
  • Amazing rambling conversations.

Go see Amélie if you haven’t already. I order you to. It is a work of genius. If you have a heart, you will smile goofily to yourself all the way through. It is an utterly charming film.